Contact RCDON

       Thank you for visiting RCDON.COM, I hope you have enjoyed your stay.
This site is a continual work in progress so I really appreciate your suggestions and comments as they help me build a better web site. Feel free to drop me a line to ask a question or leave a comment about something you may have seen on the site.

       If you would like a response to your e-mail I would kindly ask that you follow the guidelines listed below:

* If you are writing me with a question about my site’s content please do your best to completely read the entire section you are referring to. A lot of the questions I receive are already answered on the site.

* I do not sell plans for my projects nor do I furnish readers with material lists. I enjoy helping those with the same technical interests however this is a hobby to me and by no way am I a “customer service department”. If you write me demanding information I can guarantee it will be effortlessly disregarded ;0)

* Please limit the number of questions you ask and keep them topic specific.
I get a lot of vague questions which would take a lot of time to properly research and answer. The bottom line is that your e-mails need to be short and to the point if you hope to receive a reply.

* It takes me a little time to repond to e-mails as I have a lot of responsiblities. Please be patient for your reply and try to refrain from sending me multiple copies of your e-mail requests.

* Lastly, I make no guarantees that I will be able to answer your e-mail. I really try my best to reply to everyone out there but sometimes it is impossible. If you do not receive a reply it’s probably because of one or more of the issues mentioned above. I really appreciate your understanding in the matter.

If you understand and agree to the terms above click > I AGREE

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